Heatmap calendar
Last updated: 2024-11-21 07:00:00
We haven't had loadshedding for 5762.5 hours, since 2024-03-26 04:30:00.
We broke the record set between 2014-06-17 19:00:00 and 2014-11-02 07:30:00 lasting 3300.5 hours.
The next record to break is the one between 2018-06-16 21:00:00 and 2014-11-18 12:00:00 lasting 3711 hours.
The longest stage 1 (or more) streak of continuous loadshedding started on 2023-02-05 16:00:00 and ended on 2023-03-19 05:00:00, for a total of 997.0 hours.
The longest stage 6 (or more) streak started on 2023-02-19 20:00:00 and ended on 2023-02-26 05:00:00, for a total of 153.0 hours. data from Eskom se Push Google Sheet